You are here: Home > Device > Firmware Upgrade > Manual Upgrade

Manual Upgrade

You can immediately upgrade the Device Firmware by using this option.


NOTE Please ensure that the Device(s) on which Firmware has to be upgraded are ONLINE.


Details of the selected Device will be displayed as follows -



Click on Select firmware button to select the firmware package from its path. A dialog box will open as follows -


NOTE The firmware package file contains .bin extension.



If a wrong file type is selected, the application will display a warning message -



Once the correct file is selected, the application will display a confirmation message as follows -



Click on Continue button to select Devices on which you want to upgrade the firmware package. Click on Cancel button to discard the action.


On continuing further, a list of Devices under their respective Device Groups will be displayed as follows -



Expand the Device Group by using arrow buttons. Now select the Devices on which Firmware has to be upgraded by clicking on their respective checkboxes. The originally selected Device will already be displayed as selected.


Once done, click on OK button.


The process of upgrading Firmware will begin. The Status column will display a progress icon and the Message column will display “In Progress...” as follows -



If the Firmware upgrade process is completed successfully, the Status column will show the status as "Online" and the Message column will display “Firmware upgraded” as follows -



If the Firmware upgrade process is unsuccessful, the Status column will show the status as "Offline" and the message column will display an error message as follows -



If the process is not successful, please ensure that the device is online and try again.


Once the firmware upgrade process is completed, the Current Version column of the Upgrade Firmware grid will display the new version as follows -